Emergency Physician Questions Men Health

Do I have an std?

A day ago I went to a erotic massage parlor and my anxiety is keeping me up thinking I have an std. She offered oral and intercorse, I accepted. During intercorse the condom came off a bit but not off the tip. I can't help but feel that I have caught something or something worse that can't be cured. Do I have an std? Should I be afraid? My anxiety is making it worse.

Male | 20 years old

2 Answers

You need to be checked for STDs and can request HIV/Hepatitis testing as well. This can be done through your PCP, the State Department of Health, or Planned Parenthood. They may recommend repeat testing in a few months depending on the length of time from exposure until your testing and the type of testing performed. Remember, peace of mind is priceless.
If the condom covered your urethral opening (hole at the tip) the entire time and you have no open sores/cuts/scrapes anywhere else on your penis or scrotum there is a very small likelihood that you have contracted anything. That said, the only way to know 100% is to go get tested. Certain diseases, particularly HIV, can take up to 3 months to show up on tests. My advice, if you're that concern go get tested for just about everything else in the meantime if it will give you peace of mind. Or, you can wait and see if you develop any symptoms first. It is recommended by fancy public health organizations (USPSTF) that every adult be tested for HIV at least once in their life regardless of sexual activity. I would have this done 3 months after your erotic encounter even if you have no symptoms.
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