Rheumatologist Questions Neurologist

Do I have anemia vs fibromyalgia?

How can I know whether my symptoms are related to iron deficiency anemia or fibromyalgia?

Female | 41 years old
Complaint duration: 3 months
Medications: Iron have just removed my uterus /hysterectomy
Conditions: Anemia

3 Answers

Need to know specific signs and symptoms
Need to know hemoglobin value, iron studies and ferritin levels
over time charting and monitoring should allow your doctor to best determine cause
Dear Patient,

There are many biomarkers of iron deficiency anemia; also if placed on iron therapy and your symptoms improve then that supports diagnosis of iron deficiency. Fibromyalgia presents with certain areas of body discomfort and normal laboratory work, which would rule out iron deficiency.


Marvin A. Leder, MD FACP FACE
Have your doctor check for anemia and correlate with your symptoms and determine what's the most likely cause.
Dr. F