Hepatologist Questions Hepatologist

Do I have cirrhosis?

I have slightly increased hepatic echogenicity. The radiologist said possible earth fatty liver or normal variant. The Fibroscan says 271 and 4.1 and the MRI a week later showed spot same size simple cyst left medial lobe. I'm a past drinker and have been sober for 11 months. Which test to trust could I have cirrhosis?

Female | 37 years old
Complaint duration: 11 months upper right quadrant pain
Medications: None
Conditions: Gastritis

3 Answers

Seems like you have moderate steatosis 34-66% of your liver with fatty change. Since sobriety, you should expect these numbers to decrease. Your fibrosis score is also low meaning scarring either minimal or unlikely...
If it’s not documented, it does not exist. Check hepatic function panel. Those tests are late signs.
Imaging cannot distinguish between fatty liver and alcoholic liver changes. Your fibroscan E score, though, is low so this is not consistent with cirrhosis. As long as you stay off alcohol and avoid obesity/diabetes, then your liver should be ok. Can follow with fibroscan every 6-12 months. A liver biopsy is the best test to check for cirrhosis.