Endocrinology, Diabetes Questions Endocrinology-Diabetes

Do I have diabetes?

Hello, I am worried and I am asking if I should be worried. I have constant peeing and it’s always dark yellow/ orange. I’m always sleepy and hungry. I can’t take deep breaths and have abdominal pain.
Sometimes burly eyes but could be cause I’m sleepy. Should I be worried? I am not pregnant I took a test and came out negative and started my period the next day. I been like this for 1 1/2 months now.

Female | 27 years old
Complaint duration: 09/01/201
Conditions: Constantly peeping , dark yellow/ orange pee, sleepy all the time , pain lower tummy, headaches, hard to take deep breath’s, get hungry more than usual

8 Answers

You need to have a fasting blood sugar & HgbA1c done by your physician.
Dear Patient,

The constant peeing and fatigue may be sign of diabetes. You should see your physician immediately, have a good history and physical done along with all appropriate lab work.


Marvin A. Leder, MD FACP FACE
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Instead of worrying and wondering what it could be or if it is diabetes, you need to schedule an evaluation with a physician and have further testing. You can call your primary care doctor or go to an urgent care center. Find out what’s wrong so you can start fixing the underlying problem.
Unfortunately, without lab tests, I can’t say if you have diabetes or not. It definitely sounds like it is a possibility.
Increased thirst, frequent urination, and fatigue are common symptoms that may indicate that you may have diabetes. However, urinary frequency, dehydration, weakness, and abdominal pain can also occur with urinary tract infection with possible sepsis. Urinary frequency and weakness can also occur with a condition called diabetes insipidus, which causes affected people to pee out gallons of fluid a day and can lead to severe dehydration and abnormal body chemistry if not treated. You need to see your doctor to be tested for these conditions. A simple blood test and urinalysis is indicated.
You may have diabetes, but your complaints are not typical of diabetes. The urine is not usually dark with diabetes. There is almost always increased thirst not hunger with diabetes being out of control. The difficulty with taking deep breaths is not part of diabetes; however, rapid breathing is. If this were diabetic ketoacidosis your would not have these symptoms for 6 weeks. I strongly recommend that you seek medical attention as there may a serious underlying condition. If you cannot see your primary care doctor; please go to an Urgent Care center for an examination and blood work. Please take your symptoms seriously.
Being thirsty more than usual and urinating large amounts on a frequent basis throughout the day (and night) are classic symptoms of diabetes mellitus , but they may also be features of other conditions. Having family members with diabetes mellitus increases the likelihood of having this problem.

You should have a blood test for glucose with your doctor. You can also check the urine for sugar with a simple test strip like those used to test for pregnancy. It is important to clarify the cause of your problem, because timely medical management can help you avoid unpleasant complications, which sometimes make hospital admission necessary.
Go to the ER for immediate evaluation.