Gastroenterologist Questions Endocrinology-Diabetes

Do I have pre diabetes?

I've been getting constipated and getting very loose bowel movements. I take Imodium when this happens I'm on a pre-diabetic diet now for a month now. Could it be the wheat?

Male | 56 years old
Medications: Tecta flomax amlodipine coversyl crestor flonase
Conditions: Pre diabetic

2 Answers

You might have irritable bowel syndrome (which often is characterized by alternating diarrhea and constipation). Carbohydrates in bread and other foods can also alter your bowel habits. A proper work up by a GI specialist can be sought to get a formal diagnosis.
Has anyone tested you for alpha-1 anti-tripsin deficiency or gluten sensitivity enteropathy? By taking the Imodium it’s helping your symptoms but not helping the diagnosis. You need to get in touch with your primary care physician and or a gastroenterologist or some simple tests to make sure that what you have is constipation from pre-diabetes medication and lack of appropriate water intake, or maybe one of the aforementioned diagnoses in the first sentence.
Good luck, I wish you well and thank you for your question. 

Be well,

Brent Reinheimer, MD

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