Geriatrician | Geriatric Medicine Questions Geriatrician

Do I need any medical attention after my fall?

I am a 79 year older female. I fell today at about 3:30. I hit my head (on the wood floor in my hallway) on my right eye at the end of the eyebrow near my temple. I also hit both wrists. There was some bleeding but not a lot. It swelled up to the size of a small egg. I have put an ice bag on and off ever since. My eye has already turned black and blue. Some of the swelling has gone down. My daughter was concerned about a blood clot and wanted me to either go to the ER or not go to sleep tonight. My sister thought I might need a stitch or two but my husband said it was more like an abrasion. Do I need anything? I actually feel fine except for soreness. I am not dizzy or nauseated.

Female | 79 years old
Medications: BP, Cholesterol, cymbalta, Aimovic, Trazodone,

1 Answer

I recommend you to go to the emergency room for further evaluation. You may need a CT of the head. Post-concussion syndrome may happen after fall trauma.
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