“Do I need to rest after tooth extraction?”
I will have a tooth extraction. Do I need to rest after tooth extraction?
8 Answers
In most cases take it easy for 24hrs. You do not want to disturb the blood clot from the extraction.
Yes, we recommend doing no heavy lifting or strenuous exercise for at least 2-3 days post-extraction. Please ask the Oral surgeon to remove your tooth prior to getting it done.
While everyone is different, having a tooth extraction is literally an amputation of a body part. You will have some bleeding, swelling and discomfort. While you will not be debilitated for a prolonged time (unless you develop an infection), you should rest and follow the post surgical instructions of your dentist. Don't plan on partying the night of your extraction.
Usually, refrain from active exercise for 24 hours after an extraction to prevent excessive bleeding a good idea.
It is a good idea to take it easy for the first 24 hours. Increased activity may increase blood pressure which could cause bleeding. Relax for the first 24 hours.