“Do I really have pectum excavatum if it is worsening into adulthood?”
Over the years I noticed that the tilt has gotten worse, and I finally had it seen by a physiatrist a year ago. I had a chest x-ray done, and was told I had pectum excavatum. I mentioned the incident in 5th grade, but was told that my condition was not due to trauma and not to worry. Since then, I believe the tilt has continued to become worse and I still have occasional chest pain. What was a slight tilt in childhood has become around 50 degrees deviating from a straight line. I only touch my chest every few months since I tend to get busy, but I noticed recently it has gotten worse again. I have read that pectum excavatum usually does not worsen past adulthood since bone growth will have stopped, however I am certain that it has.
My presentation is not severe for a pectum excavatum case, which is likely why my concerns haven't been addressed by physicians, but I am worried since it has continued to worsen over the years. If my condition were due to trauma, does it explain the worsening of my chest tilt into adulthood? And would there be any subsequent consequences to it worsening? Admittedly, I am a hypochondriac. But for my peace of mind, what would be the best course of action? I have been thinking of asking for imaging from past physicians and showing it to a physiatrist/related specialist physician, but am not sure if I would be able to gain access to it.
It's been something that has been concerning me for a while, and it has been discouraging to talk about it since I feel my concerns have been inadequately so far. I would really appreciate some advice on next steps or affirmation of some kind.
Female | 23 years old
Complaint duration: 10 years