Dentist Questions Dentist

Do I still need a root canal if the pain goes away?

My teeth hurt a few days and then stopped. Do I still need a root canal if the pain goes away?

3 Answers

If the tooth are infected, then the tooth still need to have root canal treatment even no more pain. If it is not, then talk to your dentist because it depends on case to case basis.
When a root canal is recommended, it means that the tooth shows signs of infection or nerve damage. Pain may or may not be present, but the disease process is continuing in the gum. The best thing to do is to follow the recommendations of the dentist while you are not in pain. The occurrence of pain may signify that infection is present.
Were you diagnosed needing a root canal??? If so the pain will ebb and flow so if you truly need a root canal that pain will rear its ugly head again.