“Do gums heal faster with dentures in or out?”
I am a 70 year old female. I want to know if gums heal faster with dentures in or out?
5 Answers
Dr. Barry Cunha
Tissue in the mouth like everywhere else needs to "breathe". That is why in most cases it is recommended that you keep dentures an average of 8 hours every 24. A fungal infection called Candida can result from the lack of oxygen on tissues under a denture in some cases where dentures are worn all day
Hello, Did you just get new dentures and at the same time you had teeth removed? If that is the case you should keep the new dentures for the first 7 days day and night they will act as a bandage and you will not swell..after that you should remove it as much as you wish...gums heal better without dentures.
The first 24 hours after your teeth are extracted, it is important to leave the denture in. Thereafter, leaving the denture out at night is recommended to allow the gums to rest and heal.
Thank you,
Dr. Stoddart
Thank you,
Dr. Stoddart
Immediately after extractions, dentures help limit the bleeding and swelling. In addition, they guide the healing position of the gums. However, they should not be overworn. It's important to give you mouth the overnight hours without dentures so that the tissues can rest. Warm salt water rinses 4 times daily(1/2 tsp salt per 1 oz. water) are also helpful.