Dental Hygienist Questions Dentist

Do you get anesthesia for a root canal?

I will have a root canal. Do you get anesthesia for a root canal?

5 Answers

You need only local anesthesia to begin the procedure.
Yes! Of course.
Hi, they are three types of anesthesia that you could come across in a dental office. Local anesthesia (“novocaine”), General (IV sedation), and conscious sedation (nitrous oxide). The teeth I scheduled for root canal treatment in my office all get local anesthesia. This anesthesia alone is sufficient to treat all cases. General sedation is typically not provided in most dental offices and it’s not required for root canal treatment. Contrary to popular belief, Conscious sedation “laughing gas” does not do anything to numb up the tooth. It certainly may aid you in facing the root canal but it does not help the tooth to feel less pain. Good luck!!!