Dentist Questions Dentist

Do you need antibiotics for treating gingivitis?

I have gingivitis and want to treat it. Do you need antibiotics for treating gingivitis?

6 Answers

That depends on what is causing the gingivitis. Another option to treat gingivitis is laser biofilm reduction
No, for simple gingivitis, all it is is inflammation of the gingiva or gums. To clear up gingivitis, all it takes is some discipline in dental hygiene, brushing and flossing properly. Antibiotics are only for infection, not inflammation. To make sure you are brushing and flossing correctly, ask you dentist or hygienist to show u, then you demonstrate it back to them to prove you got it right!  It's also very important not to brush by feel but brush in the mirror so you can verify if the toothbrush bristles are actually touching the gumline or touching the upper most back molar and the back of the back molar. Alot of people say they brush but they miss because they brush by feel and therefor assume they got every gumline or tooth. For accuracy, ladies don't apply makeup by feel. Men don't shave by feel. Why shouldn't brushing and flossing be any different? If you brush and floss in the mirror, gingivitis will be a thing of the past.
It depends on the severity of the problem. If there is an active infection with pain then antibiotics is usually indicated. It is wise not to take antibiotics unnecessarily.
If you have other health issues requiring pre-medication and require more invasive cleaning then likely Yes, otherwise for routine 6-month cleanings, then No.
No. Good dental hygiene can take care of it.
Dentistry is utilizing antibiotics mostly for premedication, acute generalized infection, and after surgical procedures. Gingivitis is a local infection caused by plaque accumulation treated by regular dental cleaning and followed by good oral hygiene.