“Do you need to rest after a root canal?”
I will have a root canal. Do you need to rest after a root canal?
3 Answers
Resting is always a good idea but not always necessary. A root canal is a microsurgery inside the tooth. If there is infection, performing a root canal can kick around infection. You are usually given antibiotics to help counter act this. If you have infection, it can circulate around your body so exercising can stir it around. Also, the injection sites can also get infection if you exercise immediately after. So if you feel like resting your body after a root canal, then I would rest.
While rest is advisable after a root canal, it doesn't typically require an extensive recovery period. You may experience some discomfort or mild pain for a few days. It's recommended to avoid chewing on the treated tooth until the permanent restoration is in place. If you have concerns or prolonged discomfort, consult your dentist. Regards, Wael Obeid DDS 527 N.Maclay Ave San Fernando CA,91340 (818)890-2600