Anesthesiologist Questions Anesthesiologist

Do you use local anesthesia for wrist surgery?

I will have wrist joint surgery. Do you use local anesthesia for wrist surgery?

3 Answers

yes depending on the type of surgery
It sounds like you should be evaluated by a Board-Certified Fellowship-Trained Hand surgeon.
I'd be happy to see you.
please call 413-582-2600 to make an appointment.
A standard of care would be a regional anesthesia with either general or monitored anesthesia care. Regional could be Supraclavicular, infraclavicular or axillary nerve blocks.
I do use local anesthesia for wrist surgery. Typically I use a technique call a Bier Block where I inflate a blood pressure cuff very tightly on the arm and then I inject local anesthesia via a catheter in the operative side. The cuff allows the local anesthesia to sit in the wrist and make it numb. I also provide sedation to the patient during the procedure so they are not awake during surgery.