Acupuncturist Questions Acupuncturist

Does Chinese acupuncture raise collagen levels?

I suffer from many symptoms that I cannot count. I did several tests and it turned out that I have a severe deficiency of collagen, spinal calcification, and osteoporosis. The therapist who uses the master tung method told me that collagen deficiency can be treated through a master tung acupuncture. Is it possible to raise the level of collagen using a master tung acupuncture?

Female | 20 years old

15 Answers

That’s a good question about master tongues acupuncture, is one type of modality traditional Chinese medicine has to offer Within the holistic approach, there are other symbiotic modalities to encourage the body to find balance and harmony
Collagen must be consumed as food.
The Master Tung method can do some pretty miraculous things, so if your practitioner says it can raise your collagen levels, I would certainly give it a go. It may take a while as acupuncture creates real healing in the body, but stick with it.
I don't know if the Master Tung Method of Acupuncture will help raise your collagen level. For me, doing facial rejuvenation with acupuncture and herbs can help for collagen deficiency.
Acupuncture does help collagen
I need to see it first.
Collagen can regrow as long as body has enough nutrients and blood circulation. Acupuncture treatment moves the blood circulation to the local area, so the collagen can regenerate.

Herbs on the other hand give enough nutrients body needs. You also can take supplements during the acupuncture treatment.

Hope this answer your questions.

Huan Wen Jonathan Fang
Good morning,

1. Received, thank you.
2. Low collagen level is Western medicine diagnosis, in Chinese medicine can be caused by 3 different cause.
3. Yes, acupuncture can raise collagen level but what you need to ask your practitioner is what is the Chinese diagnosis for your condition, then you can decide.
4. If you shall have any questions please feel free to call me at (562) 698-3008.

We have not seen any scientific studies that show an increase in Collagen with traditional or Master's Tung acupuncture. Studies have shown that acupuncture increases cortisol levels and it helps to reduce inflammation in the body.
Sorry, I really not sure that master tung method acupuncture can raise the level of collagen or not.
According to some recent research, Master Tung points out, “Zhi Wu, can be used after surgery for nonhealing scars or wounds, ear infection or inflammation and swollen knee.” In order to heal scars and wounds, collagen production would need to increase, so it is thus extrapolated that this can be the case in the use of this Master Tung Point. Acupuncture also has been proven to lower inflammation, helping many other inflammatory conditions, such as arthritis.
Combination with nutrition and other alternative treatments and exercise will help with time. As the circulation of blood and energy it will help the body regenerate!
I do not practice master tung acupuncture. I practice traditional Chinese Medicine. Acupuncture and herbs can be helpful and help with collagen production. Also, you can get high-quality collagen supplements at most health food stores. I encourage you to book a session with your practitioner of choice to get help with relief.
Improve micro circulate.
I also practice mainly Tung acupuncture and I'm struggling to envision a way in which acupuncture, of any kind, by itself, is going to correct your issue. Can acupuncture help? Certainly.

Collagen is part and parcel of almost all connective tissues in the body. It's a protein and is thus composed of amino acids. The human body requires sufficient vitamin C to catalyze the reactions that result in the creation of new collagen. So, from the most basic level, you're going to need to supplement protein and vitamin C at a minimum.

Sustained inflammation/inflammatory processes can damage tissues - including collagen. Just based on the information provided, it looks like there is either something genetic going on with you or you have some nutritional deficiencies combined with long term inflammatory processes. Acupuncture can help lower the systemic inflammation and get you off the tissue damage treadmill.

A decent practitioner of Chinese medicine can also help adjust your diet or provide supplement guidance to address any nutritional shortfall.