Dental Hygienist Questions Dentist

Does Invisalign work permanently?

I want to straighten my teeth with Invisalign. Does Invisalign work permanently?

6 Answers

Teeth have memories. so it will require permanent retainers after Invisalign treatment to prevent more teeth shifting.
Invisalign will work permanently if one wears their retainer as is true with all orthodontic or tooth movement appliances. It is evident that teeth shift over time as a result of various functions. To ensure that the corrections made in alignment, retention for life is recommended for continued stablilization. Dr. Holliday
Orthodontic stability varies depending on the patients age at time of treatment as well as the complexity of the case and other factors. The simple answer is nothing is permanent. All this said orthodontic treatment is provided for both cosmetic as well as health reasons. I recommend you discuss your concerns with your orthodontist. Hope I was helpful.
Yea it can if you wear retainers at night, teeth can move due to a variety of different factors if retainers are not worn
Invisalign is an orthodontic solution to moving or straightening your teeth and has been around for several decades now. It can correct many types of crooked (misaligned) teeth. Whether it's Invisalign or some other straightening program, the corrected bite MUST be retained (kept from moving) by either a removable or fixed retainer. The primary reason is that the teeth follow the subtle changes in your jaw shape over time. Look at photos of your parents at different ages. The face changes as the jaws change shape and the teeth follow suit. Retainers are the only way to prevent a relapse of a corrected bite - whether it's Invisalign or other braces program.
No. You would most likely have to wear retainers to maintain the end result.