Plastic Surgeon Questions Plastic Surgeon

Does a jawline lift actually work?

I am a 38 year old female. I want to know if a jawline lift actually works?

8 Answers

Contouring the neck region can have profound effects on the jawline. There are multiple options surgically to improve neck contour and each one is based on your specific needs.
I am not entirely clear by what you mean a "jawline lift," but I will discuss potential non-surgical and surgical options for addressing jawline contour.

For subtle contour irregularities, hyaluronic acid (HA) fillers or fat grafting can be of potential benefit to camouflage the irregularities and in doing so, give the illusion of a "lift."

However, to address more extensive skin laxity or sagging from aging or sun damaged skin, one may need to resort to surgery, and the one that most reliably straightens out the jawline is a formal facelift, often done in combination with a necklift. A facelift addresses jowling that occurs due to ligamentous attachments at the jawline where it intersects with marionette lines (etched lines extending from the corners of the mouth down to the jaw).

A full-scar facelift creates a more powerful upward pull and arguably longer lasting results in smoothening out the jawline, but does require an incision around the ear as well as into the sideburn and posterior hairline. A mini-facelift (or short scar facelift) instead has scars that extend around the ears only, but some patients may end up requiring a second facelift years later as the skin and jowls begin to sag again.

Seek a Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon to help discuss your facial rejuvenation goals and strategize a path - whether involving injection or surgery - to achieve those goals safely and efficaciously.

Nirav B. Patel, MD, JD, FACS, FCLM
Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon
Plastic, Reconstructive, Aesthetic, & Oculoplastic Surgery

Patel Plastic Surgery, LLC
11459 Johns Creek Parkway
Suite 240
Johns Creek, GA 30097

Office 470-395-6932
Fax 470-395-6951
Cell 203-710-9952
Jawline lifts work if appropiate procedure is chosen to get result you are looking for.
It works brilliantly.
It can often make a nice difference depending on the anatomy of the
particular person's problem. Individual results vary.
Jawlilne lift in my mind is the augmentationo of the angle of the mandible with any type of filler material, ie. FAT or HAs. Yes it does work if it is done correctly. Besides the fact that some people have genetically small mandibles with aging we are losing bone tissue too, so augmentation of the bone is beneficial. Thank you for your question.
Dr Varkarakis
I am not quite sure what you mean by a jawline lift. However, if you go to experienced, reputable physicians, you will get an answer to your question. There are multiple procedures on the face areas that “work “. You have to go to an honest , respectable surgeon and ask to see pictures and if you could talk to a patient.