“Does acupressure help nerve pain?”
I have nerve pain in my neck. Does acupressure help nerve pain?
16 Answers
Acupressure and acupuncture can help to reduce all sorts of pain. It is primarily important to understand the cause of the condition before starting a treatment.
Acupressure may help to relieve pain temporarily, but it is not a long-term solution but a temporary stopgap until a full acupuncture treatment is available.
Acupuncture is only one type of modality that acupuncturists use. Frequently we use other treatment styles with acupuncture, called layering for our treatments. For nerve pain e-Stim, or microcurrent may also be needed. This is frequently the case with nerve pain. It depends on the type of nerve, the location, how long the pain has been there, as well as the underlying cause as to the exact treatments that may be needed.
Acupuncture is only one type of modality that acupuncturists use. Frequently we use other treatment styles with acupuncture, called layering for our treatments. For nerve pain e-Stim, or microcurrent may also be needed. This is frequently the case with nerve pain. It depends on the type of nerve, the location, how long the pain has been there, as well as the underlying cause as to the exact treatments that may be needed.
Acupressure may or may not be enough to help relieve your pain. Depending on the history, you may need further investigation on the cause of that nerve pain in your neck. Meanwhile, if you are interested in using acupressure to help relieve the pain, why not try it? You won't know if it helps or not until you try.
Acupressure may not provide long-term relief for nerve pain but it can certainly help with short-term relief depending on the severity of the nerve pain. I would consult with your primary care physician to rule out and serve underlying causes for the nerve pain. Consistent acupuncture treatments can provide you with more long-term benefits such as reducing pain and inflammation in the neck.
Lejla Fazlicic
It may provide some relief. Acupuncture is more effective choice.
Dr. Leila
Dr. Leila

Mr. Anthony James Lorenzo
Often, yes.
Acupressure can help relieve the muscles that maybe stimulating nerves causing pain. However, acupressure will probably not cure the pain, and will be more of a temporary relief.
No. Acupressure works by stimulating your sensory nervous system. Pain in the neck or cervical spine tends to be more involved and will need more to help alleviate. Dry needling tends to help a lot especially in the initial phases but you want to start doing some low intensity exercises mixed with deep neck flexor (DNF) core conditioning exercises. Find a board certified, physical therapist to help.
Couldn't tell you, I don't use acupressure all that often. In my experience, pressure techniques pale in comparison to acupuncture (using needles) in terms of time to treatment effect, the strength of treatment effect, and duration of treatment effect. On top of this, the vast majority of patients find acupuncture to be much more comfortable than acupressure. In a case like nerve pain, this will likely be doubly true. If you want to try Chinese medicine for your issue - and one big area for which there is abundant and excellent scientific evidence of acupuncture/Chinese medicine's effectiveness is pain conditions - go to NCCAOM.org and use their 'Find a Practitioner' lookup to get a list of local, board-certified providers.
I honestly can't tell you because I do acupuncture, not acupressure. I can tell you that acupuncture can help nerve pain. If it's truly nerve pain, try ice, which will interfere with the pain message to the brain. If tight muscles are involved, use heat to relax the muscles. Or you can try ice heat. Good luck. I hope you feel better soon!