Acupuncturist Questions Acupuncture

Does acupuncture help bronchitis?

I have bronchitis and want to treat it. Does acupuncture help bronchitis?

13 Answers

Acupuncture with herbs can help relieve your bronchitis.
Yes. I encourage you to book a session with your practitioner of choice to get help with relief.
Yes and a variety of other elements. It uses the foundation of your che lines and is far beyond my scope of practice other than I do know it does work. If it’s not working it’s not the acupuncture, it’s the individual doing it. See what kind of recommendations you can get from your provider and everything is better than nothing. God bless.

Brent Reinheimer, MD
Bronchitis is best treated with Medications.
Yes it does help bronchitis.
Dr. Leila
Absolutely. Acupuncture will help bronchitis.
Yes indeed, acupuncture can not only treat acute bronchitis, but it can help you prevent it in the future. You'll probably also be given herbs to help.

I hope you feel better soon!
Yes, acupuncture is very effective. Read here:
Yes, acupuncture does help bronchitis.
It can. It depends on the cause, and if obstacles to cure have been removed.
For bronchitis you're going to want to at least see a primary care physician and, possibly, get on a course of antibiotics. Acupuncture may be able to help with any lingering symptoms like cough or congestion, but I wouldn't use it stand alone in this case.