Dentist Questions Dentist

Does food get under your retainer?

I am a 17 year old female. I wonder if food gets under your retainer.

4 Answers

Yes, it is possible. Retainers are to be cleaned at least three times a day.
Why are you eating with a retainer? Retainers are usually worn at night when you go to sleep so no midnight snacks. If you are wearing a retainer during orthodontic treatment after active movement with your aligners, take the retainer out when you eat and replace it back when you are done.
Yes. You have to be really careful as food and drinks can get underneath the retainer. What can happen is that bacteria can grow around the food and it can lead to the bad breath, the retainer smelling bad and even cavities. I would recommended removing the retainer every time you eat and drink anything besides water. Also, I would brush the inside and outside of the retainer every time you brush your teeth.

Marc D. Thomas, DDS
Yes, food can get under your retainer which is why it is recommended to remove it while eating, wash your teeth after eating and rinsing the retainer before putting it back in your mouth.
Even drinking sugared drinks is ill advised as the sugar can sit there and wreck havoc on your teeth (nothing like having straight, beautiful teeth with cavities or bad breath...).