Dentist Questions Dentist

Does getting dentures hurt?

I am a 63 year old female. I want to know does getting dentures hurt?

4 Answers

Getting dentures does not hurt. But wearing a piece of hard plastic that rests on soft delicate gum tissue is where pain comes in often. However this can be eliminated by the placement of several implants to support the denture and greatly reduces the pain and discomfort factor
If you need a lot of extractions to then have dentures put in, you will be sore after the procedure for at least a few days. With new dentures, there’s almost always some sore spots that you need to go back to the dentist once or twice for adjustments.

If needing your full set of teeth replaced, dentures are the minimum option. If at all possible consider fixed teeth on implants. This used to be unreachable financially for most people with costs of $80,000+, but now with a licensed 3 on 6 provider ( people can get full-mouth reconstruction for as low as $30-35,000.

3 on 6 is the best option available today and the closest thing to natural teeth that allows you to eat, smile, taste food normally, and function once the process is completed without the many challenges and drawbacks that come with dentures. If in Michigan or the Midwest, the nearest licensed 3 on 6 provider is Grand Valley Dentistry ( I strongly recommend researching 3 on 6 if considering dentures.

Hope this helps!

Lance Dehne, D.D.S.
Do shoes hurt your feet? If they are fitted correctly, initially, they won’t hurt, but they won’t be fun! Work with a good dentist! Ask your friends!