Dentist Questions Dentist

Does holding water in your mouth stop a toothache after Invisalign?

I have a bad toothache after getting my aligners. Does holding water in your mouth stop a toothache after Invisalign?

4 Answers

Temporarily, until the temperature of the water gets to the body temperature. The pain is due to inflammation that we need to move the teeth. Use icy water so you get relief for longer time but if you are able to take Tylenol you don’t need the cold water. The good news is that the pain will get better on its own after couple of days when the tooth stays moving!
May be… diverting attention
I’ve never heard of that. OTC pain reliever should work fine.
Holding cold water in your mouth may help for a moment because the cold water will help reduce inflammation. The best treatment for the first few days after a new aligner is to take ibuprofen if you are medically allowed to take it.