Surgeon Questions surgeon

Does the inguinal hernia need surgery?

I was diagnosed with an inguinal hernia. Does the inguinal hernia need surgery?

3 Answers

Inguinal hernias need to be repaired if they are causing symptoms of pain, discomfort, or an organ like bowel is sliding into it. Small inguinal hernias that do not cause pain or discomfort can be watched but if they become bigger or start becoming bothersome then a decision can be made to fix them.
In general I recommend most inguinal hernias be fixed. Inguinal hernias never go away without surgery and can get larger over time. If they start causing pain it can increase the risk of chronic pain after surgery. However, the main reason we fix hernias is to remove the risk of things like bowel getting stuck in the hernia that can lead to life threatening emergencies in some situations.

This is a general answer and may not directly apply to your. It is important to consult with your surgeon regarding your specific situation.
Is there is pain.