Dentist Questions Dentist

Does wearing Invisalign hurt?

I have teeth gaps and want to get Invisalign. Does wearing Invisalign hurt?

5 Answers

Clear aligners straighten your teeth and for your teeth to move, they need little pushes to move to a different place in the jawbone. When you straighten your teeth with aligners, it is a series of clear trays that you trade out when they are loose. They loosen because your teeth move to a new position. These movements can make your jaw sore. This feeling goes away in a day or two. Acetaminophen or ibuprofen can minimize the soreness. The end result is certainly worth it!
It will hurt like a braces tightening for a few days after you get a new aligner
Invisalign is a wonderful appliance, and most people feel a lot less discomfort in aligners vs. braces. In order to move teeth, some pressure needs to be applied to them. Most people feel aligners are tight in the beginning and then feel much better in a day or two.
Yes, no one can move teeth without making them sore to chew on
First, pain is relative; what hurts me may not bother you. Second, in order to move teeth, there must be pressure; the more pressure the more "pain" closing a space should be slow and steady not in one fail swoop (that would be painful not to mention damaging the roots). If it is painful, you can take tylenol, etc.
Good luck!! What price beauty!!!