Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon Questions Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon

Does wisdom teeth removal affect the jawline?

I will have wisdom teeth removal. I wonder if wisdom teeth removal affects the jawline?

6 Answers

If you mean the position of the teeth then, no; if you mean the visual outline of the jaw (facial appearance), also no.
Under normal circumstances removal of third molars does not effect the jawline.
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Hello. Not sure 100% what you mean by jawline. It will not affect you phenotypically or aesthetically ever.
Dr. J
Generally not.
It shouldn't but to be safe see your dentist or the surgeon who took the tooth out.
Usually the wisdom teeth extraction does not effect the jawline but u can discuss this with the dentist who is going to extract ur wisdom teeth as he will be able to review the X-rays showing the position of the wisdom teeth .