Ear, Nose and Throat Doctor (ENT) Questions

Ear Plugged with Pain

My right ear feels plugged and is creating discomfort and pain. I am wondering if I should see a doctor and wait and see if it resolves on its own. It started Monday on my way home from a wedding where I had to increase 2500 feet in elevation and I felt my ear plug up. I regularly go up and down in elevation because I live in the mountains and my ears plug and pop with the change occasionally but this is the first time my ear stayed plugged. My ear began to hurt while I was sleeping. It has been 2 days with no changes. My ear feels less plugged when I tilt my head to the right side and when I apply sideways pressure to the outer ear. Ibuprofen does help with the pain. I have tried a warm compress, which provides a small amount of short-term relief.

Female | 37 years old
Complaint duration: 2 Days
Medications: NP-Thyroid, Norco, Sumatriptan, Lyrica, Aspirin
Conditions: Myofascial Pain Syndrome, migraines

1 Answer

Use afrin nasal spray 2-3x a day for 3 days and try to pop your ears by holding your nose and 'blowing' like you are clearing your ear pressure on a plane. It will hurt the first time the eustachian tube opens, since you have so much pressure on the ear. But it will feel much better after you achieve this.