Ear-Nose and Throat Doctor (ENT) Questions Ear-Nose and Throat Doctor

Ear pain and throat pain?

I have an ear ache on the right side with a slight sore throat same side. Some pain in the neck same side. Some sinus drainage same side. Temp 99.1

Female | 45 years old
Complaint duration: 3

7 Answers

Mostly likely referred pain. Arnold's nerve. Throat pain can be referred to ear and vice versa.
It's likely the ear pain is coming from your throat pain and you should get it looked at and treated.
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It's not unusual that your ear hurts at the same time as your throat. The nerves that give sensation to the throat also provide sensation to the ear, so the pain can radiate to your ear; we call that referred otalgia.

Without knowing more, it's difficult to say what you have, but some possibilities include: sinusitis, tonsillitis, adenoiditis. There are, of course, a host of other things this could represent, but these would be more likely with the information you provided. If you aren't better in 7 days from the onset, or if you become sicker, seek medical help.
Sounds like a sinus infection with blockage of eustachian tube and possible secondary ear infection. Sore throat may be simple irritation from sinus drainage. You shouls be evaluated to assess for bacterial infection requiring antibiotics.
There are many possible diagnoses that could explain your symptoms. You need to see an ENT physician, in person, face-to-face, for a thorough history and physical exam.

Ear pain is referred most likely in this case due to the viral or bacterial sinus infection. If you worsen, recommend to see an ENT Specialist.

Dr. D
If it’s all one sided, someone needs to check it out to make sure there isn’t a problem like polyps, an unusual infection or a growth/tumor