Gastroenterologist Questions Gall bladder surgery

Eating habits

I have Celiac disease and no gallbladder. Fruits and certain other foods still give me pains in my stomach. Is there foods I can't eat because of no gallbladder?

Female | 54 years old
Complaint duration: Years
Medications: Asthma, synthroid
Conditions: Hyatial hernia, Celiacs, no gall bladder

5 Answers

There are no foods that need to be specifically avoided if you don't have a gallbladder. Immediately postoperatively, patients can develop diarrhea when the gallbladder is removed even with a normal diet. This typically resolves, however. If persistent, it is worth discussing this with your physician. Medications like cholestyramine or colestipol are good options
in these cases.
I will assume that you really have celiac disease, which is often mistakenly diagnosed. If you are avoiding all gluten, then the pain you have is unrelated to celiac and it is certainly also unrelated to absence of a gallbladder.

There is probably another source for pain such as gastritis or dyspepsia. The latter is very common and just means you have a sensitive stomach that reacts sometimes to anything ingested. You might be sensitive to or maldigesting sugars in fruits. Some tests by a GI doctor could help identify one of the above causes.
You may have post chole syndrome or sphincter oddi dysfunction. Diet will not help.
Stay on low fat. You can eat anything after GB surgery.
A low-fat diet will help after a Cholecystectomy. Gluten-free diet for celiac disease.