“Elevated total and direct bilirubin?”
Interestingly, around 20 years ago, after moving into my freshman dorm at university, I fell severely ill after about a week of living there. I had severe nausea, diarrhea, high fever that lasted about a week. My GP at the time ran many blood and stool tests and all were negative for hepatitis and other enteric pathogens. He did notice, however, that my skin appeared to have a yellowish tint and said it was possible that I have Gilbert's Syndrome. Having missed over a week of classes at university, I was anxious to return to my studies and never really followed up. Could it be Gilbert's? I did also fast for around 14 hours prior to my recent physical. Could this have caused elevated bilirubin? Just curious what others think before I have a chance to talk this through with my GP. Thanks for your help!
Male | 39 years old
Complaint duration: 2 days
Medications: lexapro 10mg, vyvanse 50mg, clonazepam 0.5mg PRN
Conditions: Anxiety, adhd, post infectous ibs