Gastroenterologist Questions Gastroenterologist

Episodes of nausea?

Hello, I’m 19 female and suffer from random episodes of nausea. They happen around 3 times a week and this has been going on for 1 or 2 months. They can occur in the morning or evening and vary in intensity. They usually last a few hours and at some points, I need to throw up but I try to avoid doing so, if possible. I do not take any medication and have no diagnosed health conditions. I have no other symptoms. What are the most probable causes and when should I see a doctor?

Female | 19 years old
Complaint duration: Months

2 Answers

Many causes for nausea exist. Do feel the room is moving? Does vomiting relieve the nausea? Is the nausea related to meals? Does you mean by nausea that you feel like you are going to vomit? Can you identify anything that provokes nausea? Have you found anything that gives you relief? Does anything provoke the nausea? I would see your primary care doctor if your symptoms persist
We see this a lot in young people. Many times, the nausea is a manifestation of anxiety, though in your case it hasn't been happening for very long. If you have anxiety, panic attacks, depression, then these should be addressed with counseling, medications. Sometimes nausea lingers for weeks or months after getting an upset stomach or food poisoning from something you ate. This can be treated with neurological medicines. Otherwise, nausea is a very nonspecific symptom and can be caused by many other non-GI conditions. See a PCP or GI if the nausea doesn't improve or is disrupting your life too much.