Urology Questions Urologist

Erectile concerns?

I have a family. Very busy life. My wife and I only have intimacy late nights. Which creams or oils are recommended to maintain erection after orgasm?

Male | 49 years old
Complaint duration: Last 6 years
Medications: 1000MG Metformin, Trulicity
Conditions: Diabetic type 1

3 Answers

You need to be evaluated by andrologist.
Not much to do after orgasm. But if you are ejaculating too soon, that is another issue and can be treated. May want to see a urologist for that.

Dr. Waters
The erectile dysfunction could be diabetic in etiology, but I would check his testosterone level, free and total. If that is okay, then I would consider his trying either cialis or viagra 30-45 min before coitus. If all of that is unsuccessful, then possibly try penile injections.