Psychiatrist Questions Motor neuron disease

Need Help overcoming Medical Anxiety-Fear of MND

I have developed a a phobia of my boyfriend developing Motor Neuron Disease at some point in his life. I have got it in my head that it’s common and that he will definitely get it. Please please can someone help me he has no know family history

Female | 28 years old
Complaint duration: 2 years

3 Answers

A new fear is quite worrisome to you, no doubt. How did the fear begin? 2 steps: 1) can you prove the rational basis of your fear? What % of adults have this? Why your boyfriend? 2) If you do not have data to support your fear, accept it as irrational. Irrational fears can be overcome with CBT, possibly in a few sessions. You can regain your rational self at little cost.
Take a look at these links for some hints at overcoming a phobia:

Also, a great self-help book on anxiety is Anxiety and Phobia Workbook by Bourne 6th edition.
I recommend for you to see psychiatrist and to be evaluated for diagnosis and possible treatment.