Cardiologist Questions

Feel like going to pass out go unconscious

Need help not unconscious its not bad enough to go to hospital

Female | 40 years old
Complaint duration: 2
Medications: Iron MEdction over counter ondastrine nase medicine gi medicine pantoprazole
Conditions: Possible heart issue Asthma iron defiance gi promblems

1 Answer

I disagree that it is not bad enough to go to the hospital. Your vital signs need to be taken during an episode. A careful history must be taken. What time of day does this occur? What are you doing? What did you have to eat the day it happened? What have you had to drink? What GI problems do you have? Are they the ones that might cause a vaso-vagal episode? You have to be examined by a doctor, preferably during an episode. You may need a variety of tests. This is a very nonspecific symptom and has many possible causes, some benign and some more serious.