Doctor Questions Doctor

Feeling really sick 24/7?

For the last couple of years, I've been constantly sick and no one can find what's wrong with me. It got to the point where I was bedridden for 3 months due to stomach pain and being out of breath, and in the past couple of months, I have had bad insomnia to the point where I was once again for over 30 hours. How can I make myself feel better until the doctors find what's wrong?

Female | 16 years old
Medications: Lexapro, singular, zertec

3 Answers

You need a thorough evaluation to figure out what is wrong. This might mean getting another medical opinion from a pediatrician. Sometimes doctors focus on the minutiae of a case and miss the big picture. Keep looking for a high quality doctor who can make a proper diagnosis.
The clue that your symptoms started around puberty, suggest an hormonal issue.... a thorough evaluation would yield the cause of your ailments, under most circumstances.
This is a very tough question. There could be a lot of different things happening that could be contributing or causing. One of the things that is always super important with health in general is trying to have a good healthy lifestyle that way it’s not part of whatever is going on. I know it may sound stupid but eating healthy and staying active is super important as your able. If your stomach is still causing issues something natural that sometimes helps is IBGuard which is over the counter. I hope you find an answer. Good luck.

Kay Kelts, DO