Dermatologist Questions Dermapathologist

Finger still swollen 1 month after nail avulsion?

I crushed my thumb in a car door, and after days of swelling, getting the hole in my nail, and using Tylenol, I finally got my nail removed. It's now been almost a month since the avulsion, and my fingertip is still a little swollen (not like before, but hasn't really changed in the last 2 weeks). Is this normal? or should I be going back to the doctor? The nail is growing back in, and I'm worried it will grow in badly if the swelling remains.

Male | 27 years old
Complaint duration: 1 month
Medications: tylenol
Conditions: nail avulsion

1 Answer

Hi patient Sometimes the finger will get swollen in the process of the nail growing back. If you don't feel any itching or don't see any pus I would just give it time to heal. Make sure that you make an appointment with your provider if it gets worse. Thank you !
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