Dentist Questions


Hello! Despite maintaining excellent oral hygiene throughout the years, over the last year, I’ve seemingly developed a fistula, masked by a flap of skin, which has intermittently leaked puss. Insects, worms, hair, and unidentified compounds have emerged from it, as well. Some of the most recent compounds include slivers of what appear to be bone, as well as tan and red flakes, which appear reminiscent to that of fried cereal. I’ve seen an oral surgeon over the matter, and he was less than attentive to this issue. He merely took pictures of the solids and sent me on my way. I’m very concerned. Any idea of what this could be?

Female | 30 years old
Complaint duration: 1 year+
Medications: None
Conditions: Fistula, intermittent infections, infestation, wads of hair, unidentified compounds

7 Answers

Sound like you had some kind of infection. Best is to have the oral surgeon exam and X-rays .
Hi there, from the above description of your symptoms, it sounds like you have some type of chronic infection that should be addressed as soon as possible. I would highly recommend seeking a second opinion for observation and treatment of this matter.
I'm sorry your oral surgeon was not attentive, did he/she diagnose your tooth where the fistula is located? Without having more information I cannot say exactly what is going on. You may need to see another professional to address your needs, may be a different oral surgeon.
Hello, It sounds like its infection, But we need Radiograph for the confirmation, If you would like to get evaluated please call us on 267-262-6201
No idea what could be causing it. You didn't specify exactly where it was located (top/bottom, back/front, right/left), so I'm at a loss. Despite all your oral hygiene care, things can happen that are out of our control. A tooth with a large, deep filling or even a new deep cavity can abscess, and the fistula could be the result of that. Also, a tooth can fracture, killing the nerve and causing the same thing. Gum infections can also cause fistulas as can prior tooth injuries. Patients with fistulas rarely have much, if any, pain. The fistula is a "pressure release valve". As pus/infection builds up, if the pressure is not relieved there will be tremendous pain. But once the pressure forces its way out and forms a fistula, the pain is usually gone. But even if there is no pain, the presence of the fistula means there is constant infection that can cause bone/gum/tooth damage. But I have no idea regarding the items you listed as coming out of the fistula. Very odd, and troubling. In any case, if you cannot get treatment and or satisfaction from that oral surgeon, seek care from another. If you're close to a dental school, have someone in their Oral Medicine department check it out. Don't delay. What you describe sounds serious. Dr. Conrad
Unfortunately, it seems as if you have an infected tooth. The bacteria has walled itself off and a new environment has formed. Please visit your nearest dentist to get X-rays to see how far the infection has spread. You will have to have the tooth (possibly multiple teeth) removed. If you are not on antibiotics, please have your local dentist prescribe an antibiotic you are not allergic to. Hope this helps.
I would refer you again to an oral surgeon. If you are not comfortable with the last one, ask another one for a second opinion.