Ophthalmologist Questions Ophthalmologist

Fluid from an eye injury?

I scratched my eyelid about a week ago. It started swelling yesterday. I've got antibiotics for a possible infection from a doctor but now there is a fluid-like blister under my eye on my upper cheek from the swelling. Will my body reabsorb it or do I need to have it removed?

Male | 53 years old
Complaint duration: munozjohnr@gmail.com
Medications: cephalexin
Conditions: munozjohnr@gmail.com

4 Answers

It would clear up once the infection is controlled.
Looks like cellulitis . You may need oral antibiotic treatment .
The infection needs to be cultured. Go to your primary care doctor or ER (your eye doctor probably does not have capability).
This could possibly be serious. You need an immediate evaluation to determine if there is an infection or other issue below the lid.