Dentist Questions Dentist

Gums bleed a little when brushing after a deep cleaning

So I hadn't gone to the dentist in almost 7 years and had a deep cleaning because my gums were bleeding a lot when brushing and had a lot of calculus. After that I've been brushing and using a prescribed mouth wash but around 6 days after the cleaning I started noticing some minor bleeding when brushing that seems to affect one of the lower teeth. Is this normal? My gums are starting to look pink and normal again but this concerns me.

Female | 25 years old

20 Answers

Glad to hear that you are taking the first steps to get back to a healthy state for your mouth! After a deep cleaning, the gums area still inflamed, which can cause bleeding for the next week or two. I would recommend to continue the mouthwash as directed, and continue to brush in the morning and brush and floss with string floss in the evenings. The bleeding should eventually subside and the gums will look healthy and stippled.
When you return home from receiving a teeth cleaning, you might experience some minor bleeding from your gums. If your gums bleed profusely or if you experience major pain after receiving a cleaning, contact your dentist immediately—this could be an indication of something more serious going on inside of your mouth.
Your gums are healing and this will take time. If the are is abnormally bleeding return to your dentist for a check to make sure no infections is present.
When you return home from receiving a teeth cleaning, you might experience some minor bleeding from your gums. If your gums bleed profusely or if you experience major pain after receiving a cleaning, contact your dentist immediately—this could be an indication of something more serious going on inside of your mouth.
From what information you provided, bleeding gums is an indicator of inflammation. If you have had a history of deep cleaning, it may be that you have periodontal disease. It could be mild or moderate, but you will need to have your dentist evaluate in person to determine what level of gum disease is present. That way, they can provide the best recommendation on how to proceed with treatment.
This sounds normal to me after deep cleaning. Most of the times this local bleeding could be due to previous inflammation that is yet to fully resolve. The pink color is a good sign as it means that the gum tissue is slowly returning back to normal health. If bleeding does not stop in next few days it might be wise to contact the dentist's office for an evaluation.
It is normal to have some discomfort including bleeding and soreness after a deep cleaning. please reach out to your dentist if there is a concern
Yes. Completely Normal. Keep doing what you are doing. With improved oral care, the bleeding will lessen.
See the dentist again. Possibly the one tooth has a nerve issue, or too much bone loss
After a dental cleaning, patients may experience soreness and slight bleeding of the gums when brushing for a few days (24–48 hours), but after four weeks the bleeding should stop. If not, fractured calculus may be present under the gums.
If there is still minor bleeding, make sure you are 1. Flossing properly, 2. Brushing with a Sonicare electric toothbrush, 3. Use a Water-Pik. 4 Rinse with Listerine: Fresh Burst or Cool Mint. If after doing these 4 steps for a week , twice a day you still have bleeding, you should see your dentist for a follow-up to make sure there is nothing else going on.
It is normal to still have some bleeding (gingivitis), I recommend to continue with your periodontal maintenance appointments every 3-4 months to decrease the amount of inflammation and bacterial accumulation. Continue to floss and make sure to change your toothbrush every 3 months or when you get sick. Maybe one of the lower teeth has a deeper pocket.
Yes it is normal, continue brushing for 2 minutes each time and floss. It takes time for inflammation to get better
Some bleeding after a gum treatment is normal. Continue with the proper oral hygiene at home and monitor the gum tissue as you have. If you do not notice an improvement in a week reach back out to your doctor.
Wait and keep doing as suggested by your dentist. Sometimes it takes little longer on some teeth due to deep bacteria. If it is not getting better at all. Than get it checked again to see if any deep cleaning under gum may needed.
You may have some residual gum disease that was unable to be treated nonsurgically by having a "deep cleaning". For recurring periodontal disease, the most notable sign is purple gums, deep pocketing, and bleeding; the next step would be to see a periodontist. A periodontist performs advanced treatments such as LANAP and surgical periodontal disease treatments to reduce pocketing and arrest the disease. Be well!
This is pretty normal specially after getting a cleaning.
You can keep brushing and the bleeding will gradually go away with time
Yes it is normal.
If a specific area is bleeding after your deep cleaning it could be an indication of plaque accumulation which can cause your gum to be irritated and bleed. If the rest of the areas look pink it means your gum are healing nicely
It is common to have minor bleedings after a deep cleaning session. I am glad that your gum are starting to look pink and normal again. Keep up with your homecare and follow the post-op instructions to improve your oral hygiene even more.