Obstetrician and Gynecologist Questions OB-GYN

Gynecomastia question?

I was put on medication for schizophrenia about 2.5 years ago I have been taking risperidone 3mg for that long until recently. I am now on Abilify 15mg. The reason I changed medication was that I noticed my breasts slowly enlarging over the last year. I believe it may be gynecomastia due to risperidone which has a high probability of causing hyperprolactinemia.

Until my recent prolactin test about 2 months ago, I hadn’t had a test for over a year and a half for prolactin. I don’t know what my level was during that time but my doctor said my last test was slightly elevated at 40. After learning it was high, I asked him to switch me to Abilify which I slowly switched to. I have been on it for about a month but have just started being on it without risperidone. I haven’t noticed any improvement yet, in fact, I think it may have accelerated. It was my understanding Abilify has a lower risk for prolactinemia due to my own research that my doctor confirmed when I asked him.

I am wondering what I should do now. I have been stressed out about it as it makes me very self-conscious. I don’t see my doctor for a while and don’t want to bother him unless I know more options to do as he doesn’t seem that worried about my prolactin level. I was thinking of asking about cabergoline which from my understanding is a prolactin inhibitor. Am I overreacting?

Male | 23 years old
Complaint duration: 2 years
Medications: Concerta, Abilify, Risperidone (past)
Conditions: Schizophrenia, ADHD

4 Answers

Sorry to hear about all the side effects of different medicines. Unfortunately, as a psychologist, I do not prescribe medicines so not able to advise you. Whenever you have a concern regarding these issues do not hesitate to contact the prescribing Dr. and your PCP. Take care and remain safe. 
This is not my area of expertise. See this link...
Dear patient,

I would have a pituitary mri done to rule out a Prolactinoma. This then should alleviate your anxiety about prolactin level.


Marvin A. Leder, MD F ACP FACE
Dear Sir,
You need to follow up with your primary care so they can do the prolactin levels and see if it has started to come down. You should not stop taking abilify or stop seeing your psychiatrist.


Junaid Syed MD