“If my HBA1C is 5.2, am I prediabetic?”
I recently underwent a blood test and my HBA1C was 5.2. Does that make me prediabetic?
6 Answers
No, you do not have pre-diabetes. The guideline to be a pre-diabetic is a Hba1c 5.7-6.4. Fasting blood sugar 100-125 or a Fs-2hr pp 140-199.
According to the American Association of Endocrinologists, an HBA1c of 5.5% to 6.4% is considered prediabetic range.
According to the American Association of Endocrinologists, an HBA1c of 5.5% to 6.4% is considered prediabetic range.
Maybe & maybe not. HbA1c tells us about your level of blood glucose on average, it is not a predictor of the future. By present criteria, A1c of 5.7% or below is normal, 5,7-6.5 is pre-diabetes, and 6.5% or above is diabetes. So with A1c of 5.2% you would be classified now as not having diabetes or prediabetes. That does not mean that you could not develop diabetes in the future. Look at your family history of diabetes, eat a healthy diet, exercise & keep your wt. down to slow or prevent the development of diabetes if you are suceptable.