Infectious Disease Specialist Questions

HIV Window Period and Results

Are my symptoms (e.g sore throat, nasal congestion, and sneezing) related to HIV after the window period? I tested at my PCP on day 22, day 30, and day 137 post exposure and my results were negative. It was ELISA blood drawn from vein. I am currently experiencing runny nose, nasal congestion and sore throat at week 22 post exposure and after testing negative. Is it safe to say that no matter what symptom (e.g fever, rashes, sores, ulcers, sore throat, etc) you have after testing negative and past the window period, it is not HIV and it could be a cold, flu or some other viral syndrome?

Male | 34 years old
Complaint duration: 22 Weeka
Conditions: HIV exposure

2 Answers

AGREE; you should get tested for COVID and flu and if not up to date on those two vaccines, get them next week when you feel better. Vaccination is the best way to protect against resp viruses. Also if you KNOW you had covid within the last 6-12 weeks, it's less likely to be covid and you can wait on the vaccine for a few more months.
If your results have been negative for more than 12 weeks after exposure, and your healthcare practitioner has no inclination that you need more testing, then your symptoms may be due to another non-related viral infection. Please seek medical care if your symptoms last for longer than the expected amount of time.