Cardiologist Questions

Having a in large heart

So I was told I had a inlarge heart but I had a stress test and it came back good but I been playing football in college I was wondering if it’s good to play football, so I have anxiety so I don’t know if that’s why my chest been tight I just want to know if im good to play football

Male | 20 years old
Conditions: Heart

3 Answers

The appearance of an enlarged heart on a chest X-ray can be just due to its position, so the first thing to check is if it really enlarged, and which part of it is this can be done with an ultrasound scan, called an echocardiogram. If this does show an abnormality, then a more detailed look with a cardiac MRI scan will show exactly what the problem is, and then you can discuss with a cardiologist what treatment or precautions if any, are needed.
It is difficult to know without more precise information. I assume this is an enlarged heart diagnosis how? Usually, a stress test would provide definitive information. This is a question best directed to the provider who first informed you that you had an enlarged heart.
The heart could be slightly enlarged because you are an athlete.