“Having an abscessed tooth? What could this mean?”
What is an abscessed tooth? What are the repercussions of having an abscessed tooth and can the condition be treated or reversed? I have heard that an abscessed tooth can cause a lot of pain and various other secondary infections. Is this true? Are there signs of identifying tooth abscess early?
20 Answers
Abcesses can occur for different reasons. Usually the tooth is decayed to the nerve or it is cracked or has had trauma, which would sometimes indicate the need for root canal treatment or extraction. See a dentist soon
An abscess is never good and should defiantly be checked and treated as soon as possible. It can become dangerous. If you notice any pain or swelling, please get it checked immediately.

Inderpreet Brar
If you have a deep cavity or constant discomfort, it can lead to an abscess. Yes, it can be reversed by finding the cause and eliminating it. Sometimes, if the damage is too severe, then it has to pulled out.
Tooth with abscess often have pain, swollen gum and pus drain near the apex of that tooth. This localised infection can spread, become cellulitis and become life threatening if untreated. Pain and pus drain from gum of a tooth is the sign, see a dentist ASAP if you suspect that you have an abscess.
A tooth abscess is an infection in or around the tooth. The abscess can be caused by your bone and gum or by the tooth pulp of the tooth in question. It can be treated if there is enough bone left around the tooth and if the root canal is able to be done if needed. An abscess should be dealt with right away. You may experience pain, tooth ( or teeth) loss, and more expense if untreated.
An abscess occurs when the nerve inside the tooth becomes infected and the infection spreads into the area surrounding the tooth. The infection may be contained by the body's immune system or spread to adjacent areas. Sometimes the abscess can be asymptomatic, but it is not a good idea to allow the infection to go untreated as there may be systemic consequences. The early signs of an abscess are swelling or pain to biting and/or hot.
An abscessed tooth is a tooth in which bacteria has entered the tooth and followed the path of least resistance through the canals inside the roots of the tooth where the nerves and blood supply used to reside. The bacteria then begin to proliferate at the tip of the root or roots destroying bone and causing inflammation. If the source of the infection is removed then the body can then heal the area and the bone will regenerate. This can be done with either root canal therapy in which the canals inside the root are cleaned and disinfected or the tooth is removed. Pain typically begins when the inflammation and pressure from infection reach a point where there is nerve innervation and irritation. The infection will not go away on it's own so yes, pain typically will ensue given enough time. Secondary serious infection can develop as the infection continues to grow into spaces between muscles causing eye and sinus issues in the upper arch and airway issues in the lower arch. Much more serious cases involve neurologic and brain infection. You dentist can assess clinically and take radiographs to determine if a tooth is infection and if an abscess is present. Hope this helps!
Eric Buck
Eric Buck
An "abscesses tooth" is an infection associated with a tooth that has been developing over time. It can be from either a chronic slow developing or an acute quick developing infection.
It will usually start in a tooth as a cavity. The abscess can be prevented by early diagnosis of the cavity and treated.
Acute abscess is often painful. An abscess causesd by a chronic infection is less likely to be painful.
Regular dental exams and x-rays will help to catch infections early on.
It will usually start in a tooth as a cavity. The abscess can be prevented by early diagnosis of the cavity and treated.
Acute abscess is often painful. An abscess causesd by a chronic infection is less likely to be painful.
Regular dental exams and x-rays will help to catch infections early on.
An abcessed tooth means that your tooth has an infection. There are
numerous reasons that this could happen.
Decay could be present, there could have been a history of trauma to the
area, or there could be a fracture of some sort. It is hard to tell you
exactly what caused the abcess to occur. There could be a lot of pain
associated with an abcessed tooth, or there could be none at all. Often
times a pimple will appear around the area. This is usually an escape
route for the bacteria. Once the pimple is visible, pain usually
decreases, only because the build up of puss/abcess is now leaking into
your mouth and not simply burrowing a hole through your bone. There are a
number of ways to treat an abcess, but is all depends on what type of
abcess it is. IF it is tooth related, then Root Canal treatment will be
necessary. If the abcess is present on a tooth that already had a root
canal, then a second root canal or a re-treatment could be warrented, or
alternatively a procedure called an apicoectomy would remove the abcess and
the infected part of tooth and leave the remaining tooth in place.
Alternatively depending on the condition and or position of the tooth, one
might also choose to have the tooth extracted. Untreated abcesses could
cause major problems if the bacteria gets into the blood stream patients
could become septic, or due to the proximity of the jaw to the brain, the
infection could travel there as well. It is best to get abcesses treated
asap. Usually antibiotic therapy and mild analgesics initiate the healing
process, but most often that alone will not suffice. Futher treatment will
ultimately be necessary, whether that is root canal treatment, extraction,
or apicoectomy all depends on the individual situation. I hope that this
helps to answer your question.
Michael Kratchman, DMD
Gibbstown Dentistry
numerous reasons that this could happen.
Decay could be present, there could have been a history of trauma to the
area, or there could be a fracture of some sort. It is hard to tell you
exactly what caused the abcess to occur. There could be a lot of pain
associated with an abcessed tooth, or there could be none at all. Often
times a pimple will appear around the area. This is usually an escape
route for the bacteria. Once the pimple is visible, pain usually
decreases, only because the build up of puss/abcess is now leaking into
your mouth and not simply burrowing a hole through your bone. There are a
number of ways to treat an abcess, but is all depends on what type of
abcess it is. IF it is tooth related, then Root Canal treatment will be
necessary. If the abcess is present on a tooth that already had a root
canal, then a second root canal or a re-treatment could be warrented, or
alternatively a procedure called an apicoectomy would remove the abcess and
the infected part of tooth and leave the remaining tooth in place.
Alternatively depending on the condition and or position of the tooth, one
might also choose to have the tooth extracted. Untreated abcesses could
cause major problems if the bacteria gets into the blood stream patients
could become septic, or due to the proximity of the jaw to the brain, the
infection could travel there as well. It is best to get abcesses treated
asap. Usually antibiotic therapy and mild analgesics initiate the healing
process, but most often that alone will not suffice. Futher treatment will
ultimately be necessary, whether that is root canal treatment, extraction,
or apicoectomy all depends on the individual situation. I hope that this
helps to answer your question.
Michael Kratchman, DMD
Gibbstown Dentistry
An abscessed tooth means infection has reached the root and there is formation of pus underneath and if it is not drained, it can cause swelling and severe pain. An abscess could be caused by untreated tooth decay, periodontal disease and other factors such as trauma to the tooth. Once infection has reached the root, it cannot be really reversed but it can be treated with root canal treatment and depending on the cause there are some other treatment options. Symptoms which could point to abscess is sensitivity to hot and cold, pain, fever and swelling. It is best to see your dentist as soon as possible to prevent worse outcomes.
The nerve inside of your tooth has disintegrated and can cause infection. It needs root canal therapy.
A tooth abscess is a pocket of pus that's caused by a bacterial infection.
Yes it can be very painful and if not treated it can spread to the vains and it could spread to the head and cause coma.
Some of the Early signs maybe pain,sensitivity and tenderness.
Yes it can be very painful and if not treated it can spread to the vains and it could spread to the head and cause coma.
Some of the Early signs maybe pain,sensitivity and tenderness.
An abscessed tooth can be caused by periodontal (gum) or pulpal (nerve)
issues. Both can be treated and reversed if attended to in a timely manner.
Waiting too long can result in extraction.
issues. Both can be treated and reversed if attended to in a timely manner.
Waiting too long can result in extraction.
There are 2 different tooth abscesses. One is a periodontal abscess. In this case, it tends to infection related to the gum tissues and the nerve of the tooth is still healthy. This can often be treated with by thoroughly cleaning out the area, which will require anesthetic. Sometimes an antibiotic is warranted. If there is periodontal pocketing that is deep (beyond 4-5mm), and the patient is not diligent about regular dental cleanings, the abscess can re-occur when the bacteria builds up within the periodontal pocket. =20
The second abscess relates to the vitality of the tooth. If the nerve dies an abscess will result if the tooth is not treated. When the nerve dies there are 2 options: tooth removal or root canal therapy (with a subsequent crown to prevent the tooth from fracturing). Left untreated the infection can spread into deeper tissues and even into the brain tissues. =20
There is typically pain associated with an abscess, though this is not always the case. Usually, there is biting pressure with an abscess. Hot and cold sensitivity generally occur prior to an abscess occurring. =20
It is true that secondary infections can occur with a tooth abscess. The mouth and the body are connected and each one affects the other. =20
Hope this helps!
Jennifer Rankin, DDS
The second abscess relates to the vitality of the tooth. If the nerve dies an abscess will result if the tooth is not treated. When the nerve dies there are 2 options: tooth removal or root canal therapy (with a subsequent crown to prevent the tooth from fracturing). Left untreated the infection can spread into deeper tissues and even into the brain tissues. =20
There is typically pain associated with an abscess, though this is not always the case. Usually, there is biting pressure with an abscess. Hot and cold sensitivity generally occur prior to an abscess occurring. =20
It is true that secondary infections can occur with a tooth abscess. The mouth and the body are connected and each one affects the other. =20
Hope this helps!
Jennifer Rankin, DDS
Think of your tooth as a sealed unit that when it becomes exposed to decay usually by way of poor hygiene or excessive sugar improper brushing poor alignment of the teeth for one reason or another interrupt the Integrity of the tooth structure itself. These bacteria attack the enamel first then the Dentin underneath the enamel finally getting into the nerve and blood supply of the root itself which communicates with the blood vessels and ultimately the heart. Obviously this infection can spread to the heart but locally can cause an abscess at the tooth itself as it is encased in a ligament and a bone surrounding the root structure of the tooth. This local infection is your warning that more extensive damage is about to occur perhaps even life-threatening. This condition should not go unchecked by your dentist to ensure excellent oral health as it is such an important part of overall help to our body.
When bacteria invades the vital organ of the tooth - pulp -that consists of the artery, vein and nerve, the byproducts of that invasion are causing an abscess ,and the defense mechanism of the body is responding to the illness. Because of the pressure build up, the pain is in this response as well. Periodical check ups including the X-rays play a role in early detection. Abscessed tooth is a source of infection,that can spread to other organs, especially those in vicinity like sinuses for example. The tooth abscess may be extremely dangerous if not treated.
An abscessed tooth is a tooth that is dying. For some reason (usually decay but sometimes injury), the tooth is dying or already dead. There is a nerve in your tooth that is necrosing (or basically becoming gangrene). There is no way to reverse gangrene, you must remove it from your body. This means you will either have to remove the tooth (an extraction) or remove the infected nerve (a root canal). Left untreated, an abscessed tooth will usually lead to severe pain, spread of infection, and rarely even death. The early signs of an abscessing tooth will be a throbbing pain, especially at night, and prolonged temperature pain (or pain to hot and cold). Seek treatment as soon as you can.
A tooth abscess is a dangerous thing and can cause related health issues... an abscessed tooth may exhibit swelling, pain, odor on flossing the area. Wait too long and the tooth may not be savable. Root canal treatment MAY remove the infection, but in later cases the root canal treatment may not work, then extraction is the only treatment.