Cardiologist Questions Cardiologist

Heart attack?

Six months ago I was in the ER for chest pains, everything came back clear but the last few days I have had a weird feeling in my right arm. I don’t feel sick every now and then I’ll have twinges of chest pain but nothing serious.

Female | 38 years old
Complaint duration: 3 or 4 days

2 Answers

There are many possible causes for your symptoms ranging from musculoskeletal pain, neuropathic discomfort ("pinched nerve"), gall bladder symptoms, gastrointestinal symptoms and last, but not least, cardiac symptoms. Your symptoms are not typical of a cardiac origin and in a 38 y.o. without risk factors, a cardiac etiology would be less likely. You would need a good physical exam and some testing to narrow it down.

Unlikely cardiac. But not given all the information. Like are you a diabetic, high blood pressure, obese, post menopausal, a smoker? What's your family history? Did they do a stress test 6 months ago? Have you had a calcium score?