Obstetrics & Gynecology Questions OB-GYN

Heavy bleeding 5 days after emergency contraceptive?

I had sex on Nov 17, 3 days after the end of my period (Nov 10-Nov14). I took a plan B within a few hours and 5 days later experienced light spotting which turned into heavy bleeding. My period isn’t due for another 2 weeks so is this an early period or random bleeding? Will I still get a period in 2 weeks?

Female | 19 years old

5 Answers

The early bleed is usually typical of emergency contraception a few days after completion of the medication. It may reset your menstrual cycle.
I would take a pregnancy test. I would suggest you see your OBGYN.
The bleeding is secondary to Plan B. You will most likely not have a period in 2 weeks. Plan B worked and you will not get pregnant this time. Good idea to see your gyn to choose a birth control method.
The whole cycle will be messed up due to the hormones. You may or may not get a period in a couple of weeks. Hopefully, if you do it will be lighter.

It's very normal to experience irregular bleeding after taking a Plan B. It isn't your "normal" period, rather a side effect from the medication - nothing to be concerned about at all! Your periods will return to normal soon, but it's difficult to say exactly when as everyone experiences a
different time frame. Please be sure to use some form of contraception in the meantime, as you can still get pregnant even if your periods aren't regular. I would also recommend talking with a provider about starting a birth control method that's comfortable for you so that you don't have to worry about this moving forward. I hope this helps!