Pulmonologist Questions

Heavy chest

i recently, almost 2 days ago, had 2 panic attacks, which I’ve never had before. And it made my chest feel heavy and it was hard to breathe. that was the 2nd around 9am. Now it’s July 4th 12:50am and I am still having a hard time breathing. I’ve never had this until I had my panic attacks. Is that normal to have this for a couple of days or could it be something more serious?

Female | 22 years old
Complaint duration: 2
Medications: No
Conditions: No

2 Answers

Consider Vocal Cord Dysfunction.
One of the most common symptoms of panic attacks is shortness of breath. It is important to make sure that you don’t also have something like asthma, vocal cord dysfunction, some other condition. But often times there is no lung problem causing the shortness of breath, just the panic. Anxiety causes one to breath fast, which makes you feel weird, which makes you breath faster. The faster you breath the worse you feel. This is because the body blows out carbon dioxide which upsets the body’s acid base balance. The key is to reset the carbon dioxide. Breathing into a paper bag can help to rebreath carbon dioxide and break the cycle. Meditation can also help to relax and slow the breathing down