Plastic Surgeon Questions

Hematoma/ bruising after breast reduction

Breast reduction Surgery was on the October 24th. 26th I had my first follow up, everything looked great going from DD to small B; no swelling or bruising. The drain tubes were taken out. The next day when given the ok to shower I saw how it changed in 24hrs. Both breast were swollen; one being twice as big as other. It is hard and possibly couldn’t swelling anymore.on the larger breast I have developed a hematoma along the bottom incision. This swelling is the only cause the any pain I have. This pain is so high that tylonol or even one norco is strong enough to handle. I call nurse advise line, after seeing photos they said to go into ER, with the night of 28th being worse I go into the ER. While there they don’t think it’s bad enough yet to treat. They due a blood test indicating I am anemic and possibly have kidney/ liver issues. I have a follow up appointment on the 30th to have the surgeon look. He doesn’t seemed concerned at all by this saying it will heal on its own and that the swelling is only concerning if he can indent my skin at all. You are only able to indent it a new mm. I leave with no advise/ suggestions. November 2nd I start to watch as the hematoma is being so large and one big mass. Taking up the whole underside of my breast looking black/purple. I reach out with pictures to surgeon again. Still he isn’t concerned or have advise/suggestions. Now it is November 5th and it is even larger but has turned a black/green color. I know the color to green means healing but why has it spread so much? I to reduce this swelling and not be in pain I have tried ice/heat, Celebrex/ ibuprofen, tight/ looser compression, message, hydrated, even staying elevated in a chair even for sleep. I have not laid down flat in almost two weeks. I don’t know what else to do, and they provide no assistance. Am I right to be concerned? I feel they should be doing more.

Female | 30 years old
Complaint duration: Two weeks
Medications: Ibuprofen, Wellbutrin, amphetamine, loarstatin
Conditions: Hematoma, high blood pressure, vinous thoracic outlet syndrome

1 Answer

At this point in time I feel you might consider a second opinion from a board certified plastic surgeon. Roger Friedman, MD