Pain Management Specialist Questions Pain Management Specialist

Horrible pain in lower back thigh?

My question is, I was standing up when halfway through I felt this horrible pain for roughly 10 seconds in the very low back thigh. Now I have a very visible, large bulging single vein in the area. My leg is ok until I stretch it or do specific movements with it. Did I pull something, maybe a hamstring? Or do something to my vein?

Male | 14 years old
Complaint duration: Today
Medications: None
Conditions: None

4 Answers

If the pain is temporary and is relieved by stretching or ibuprofen, then it is muscular in nature, and nothing to worry about. However, If your pain persists, then it might be something worse, so see an orthopedic surgeon.

Hope it helps!!

Dr. Bose
Seems like a hamstring pull or possibly a tear. If you are having or develop issues with walking see your doctor
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Hamstring is most likely.
One episode of the horrible pain is not alarming. We worry more if the pain is ongoing which they usually implicates a serious problem. A large bulging vein at your age is unusual and I would certainly have a physician evaluate it. If if you pulled your hamstrings usually the pain goes on for a while and is just now one sharp episode.