Gastroenterologist Questions Colon and Rectal Surgeon

How accurate is a rectal exam?

Sometimes I have headaches, I take Concerta 36 mg 1 pill every morning, my gastroenterologist recommended a colonoscopy. My medical background i was diagnosed with constipation when I was 18 years old, I was given a rectal exam by my gastroenterologist . After the rectal exam, I was told I had a small bowel blockage in my rectum. And then after the exam was over I was told to go home and have an enema. And now I'm 21 and I haven't had a bowel movement for a while and I'm probably due for the annual testicles exam. And I'm also due for a physical exam.

Male | 21 years old
Complaint duration: 3 months
Medications: Concerta
Conditions: bowel blockage

3 Answers

I am unclear about the question you are asking. A bowel blockage from constipation should not routinely require a rectal examination. If this is something that you frequently deal with then I would recommend working on ways to prevent the constipation. Drink 80-100 ounces of water daily. Increase fruits and veggies. Consider taking a teaspoon to a tablespoon of coconut oil by mouth everyday (it is a natural laxative). Do your best to start having more frequent bowel movements. Additionally, you should consider having yearly physical exams (at your age, a rectal exam is not something that is routine during a yearly physical unless you have a significant family history of prostate cancer or there are other factors at play). Good luck
You can not diagnose small bowel blockage on rectal exam. May be you had stool impaction You need proper exam. Drink plenty of water and fluids.
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Consult GI, if there is pain visit urgent care.