Acupuncturist Questions Acupuncturist

How can I fix my chronic earache?

I have a chronic earache. How can I fix my chronic earache?

16 Answers

You can't fix chronic earache .
Depends on the etiology. There is a wide array of treatments and modalities. I will be happy to discuss them in an office visit.
Im so sorry youre dealing with a chronic earache. I have helped numerous patients with that pattern of ailment and would suggest trying acupuncture to see if it could be helpful for you. - Dr. Hallie OGorman
Diagnosis needed
Firstly, you must find out the true cause of the earache & have your primary give you a proper prognosis. That way you will be able to figure out what is the best way to treat it and how soon you can expect it to resolve. Your primary will also be able to confirm with you whether or not alternative medicine, traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), may be beneficial to your condition. - Live Happy, Michael
There are many ways to help chronic inner ear pain. At my clinic we *generally* utilize a combination of craniosacral therapy, chiropractic auricular adjustments, acupuncture, and if necessary botanical medicine.
Certainly, acupuncture can alleviate your ear aches. Generally having chronic ear aches is related to the foods that you eat. Those foods are usually made with milk products. You might want to try going without having any dairy: milk, cheese, yogurt, pizza, ice cream, cream cheese etc. for a month and see if your ear aches don't improve or go away. Also, there are Chinese herbal formulas for chronic ear aches as well. Hope this helps answer your question.
Hello, and thank you for your question. There can be many causes for Ear aches and many types of Ear symptoms. Chronic conditions usually take more time for significant change, but often some relief can be experienced even after the first few treatments. Acupuncture and Herbal medicine can effectively treat many ear conditions utilizing acupuncture, acupressure, topical liniments, moist heat therapy and even massage. I have so many questions around the history, including origin, location, type of pain sensation, as well as treatments already tried and their results. Please contact my office for a phone consultation and to schedule an appointment with myself or =
See also your ent perhaps you need a better look
Yes it  can be permanently cured with Homeopathy Treatment . Very effective medicines are there in Homeopathic  With my treatment of 1.5 month you will get permanent relief. Will prescribe the complete treatment You can consult me now through online     Warm regards.
Chronic earache is the result of ear infections. Read here:
You can try acupuncture treatment.
Yes, and your practitioner may also prescribe herbal formulas.
Acupuncture can help with your chronic ear pain. I suggest you see an experienced acupuncturist.
It depends on what is causing your earache. I encourage you to find a practitioner that does acupuncture and herbal medicine
Have you been to an ENT (Ear, Nose, Throat doctor)? Is there a cause/diagnosis for your chronic pain? For something affecting the ears, it's best to at least attempt to get to the root cause of the issue. If you have an infection that has gone untreated or some sort of structural damage due to injury, you could be at risk of losing your hearing. If you've been to an ENT or MD and are sure there's no infection and no structural damage, and especially if the doctor couldn't tell you what was going on, then acupuncture and Chinese medicine can probably help. You can go to and use the "Find a Practitioner" link to get a list of local providers.